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Wednesday 18 November 2009

GPS lingerie to track someone special

Lingerie that says more about you than how you feel
You can tell a lot about a woman by her choice of underwear but now your bra and panties can even show exactly where you are.
Brazilian lingerie company, Lindelucy, now offers a lingerie ensemble that comprises a lace bodice, a bikini trunk, a faux pearl collar and a GPS tracking device.
The flirtatious potential of the aptly named 'Find Me If You Can' lingerie as the woman leads her admirer on a chase is ripe with potential.
The GPS, woven into the fabric of the bodice enables tracking the wearer at any time of the day of night.

Designer Lucia Lorio’s claims the lingerie is aimed at the modern woman living in a world of technology however others claim it is a high-tech version of a chastity belt.

Lorio counters that the woman can always turn the device off, or for that matter, slip into an alternative set of lingerie. Alternatively, the lingerie could be seen as a safety precaution in that shows where the wearer is and if she might have fallen into danger.
However, keeping track of your lady isn't cheap. The lingerie sets run from $800 to a whopping $1650 and so far sales have been slow.



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